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上市公司造假事件层出不穷,严重侵害了中小投资者的权益。究其根本原因主要在于造假者的违法成本太低,没起到应有的威慑作用。建议监管层对上市公司信披违规进一步加大监管与处罚力度,以更好地完善对农业股的信披监管。责任编辑:刘万里 SF014张勇首次披露淘宝移动变革:要信年轻人,要做“造风者”


If people asked me, do you really believe this? Do you have a very clear picture of the future, at that time? My answer would be, ‘no!’I think it’s all about the vision. We think it will happen. If the world will go to the digital world, do we really believe that? We believe? What does ‘digital world’ mean? Which means data will be the energy of the new economy. Do you believe that? We believe that. If that’s the case, that brings us to the next question: How do you utilize that data? Then, cloud computing will become a utility, to computing the data, creating value from the data and growing the future business.

北加州的“坎普山火”(Camp Fire)始于11月8日,已造成79人死亡,699人失踪。截至周一晚,大火已烧毁约15万英亩土地,烧毁建筑达1.3万座。其中,天堂小镇(Paradise)几乎完全被烧毁。据报道,截至周一晚,火势已控制约70%。但当局称,11月30日前或许都无法完全控制火势。目前仍有4000余名消防员在与“坎普山火”作斗争。

In Alibaba’s history, we have a lot of very important moments. One of the moments we experienced about six years ago was mobile. And as I said, when mobile internet came, in about 2012 or 2013, all the people were discussing the mobile internet. And also, mobile-driven internet shopping. But how do you upgrade your business? We talked a lot, and suddenly, everyone realized the mobile transition would come a lot faster than anyone imagined. Overnight, the price of smartphones was reduced to under RMB1000. Everybody had a smartphone, everybody could get a very fast 4G connection, and the mobile internet changed the whole life of the customers.
