添加时间:Liu Xin: I think that would be a wonderful idea。 Don’t you think for American consumers, products from China would be even cheaper? And for consumers in China, products from America would be so much cheaper too? I think that would be a wonderful idea, I think we should work towards that。 But you talked about rule-based system, rule-based order。 This is the thing, if you want to change the rules it has to be done in mutual consensus, basically when we talk about tariffs it’s not just between China and the United States。 I understand if you lower tariffs just between China and the United States the Europeans will come, the Japanese will come, the Venezuelans will probably come and say ‘hey, we want the same tariffs’。 You can’t discriminate between countries。 So it’s a very complicated settlement to reach。 I think the last time the world agreed on the kind of tariff reduction China should commit to, was exactly the result of multilateral and years of difficult negotiations。 The United States saw, in its interests, and decided to what degree they could agree, or to what degree they could lower their tariff - nobody put a gun to their head - and China agreed, although with some difficulty, to lower their, our, tariff considerably, it is all the decision of countries according to their own self-interest。 Now things are different, yes, I agree, 20 years later, what are we going to do? Maybe these old rules need to be changed。 You know what, let’s talk about it, let’s do it according to the rules, the same rules, but if you don’t like the rules, we‘ll change the rules, but it has to be a multilateral process。
抢占智能电动新赛道2018年,随着“电动化、智能化、网联化、共享化”四化引领的汽车产业发展大趋势,智能电动成为不少自主品牌着力布局的重点。乘联会数据显示,2019年5月新能源乘用车市场批发实现9.7万台的良好销量水平,环比4月增长5.8%,同比增长5.4%。1~5月的全国新能源狭义乘用车销量44.2万台,同比增长58.0%。联讯证券研报提到,2018年在新能源汽车补贴政策结构性变化的驱动下,续航里程在300公里以上的车型销量占比显著增加,产品结构升级。随着第二代唐、Marvel X以及RX5等爆款纯电动车型的上市,自主新能源汽车产品升级进展顺利,单车盈利能力明显提升。